Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Night Off

Finally....a night at home with no baseball, meetings, or anything else. We have seriously had baseball games, practice, or softball for the last 12 days in a row. Actually, Jake has a softball game tonight at 9:00 but I am staying home. As soon as he leaves, I am turning on the Bachelorette that I recorded last night. I know...total trash TV, but it's my brainless release for the week. I don't know what is so addictive about watching other people try to find "the love of their life" since almost every season it's over before the finale even airs.....but everytime, I get hooked.
On a different note...we are at mid-term at school and I have a serious countdown going to the end of the quarter. Only 22 days left! I have alot of grading and other stuff to get done, but I am counting down the days.
After school is done, we have Vacation Bible School at church. I am directing it again this year and that is always alot of fun...alot of work, but alot of fun.
After that week, I have 5 days to get packed and get ready for our family vacation. We are flying to Washington DC and driving up the coast to New Brunswick, Canada to visit with family. We are really looking forward to the trip...especially the kids. We are going to stop at 3 ballparks along the way to see the Nationals, Yankees, and Red Sox. A Mets game is still up in the air. I don't want to totally burn out the girls on baseball. While we are in Canada for 2 weeks, we are going to visit Prince Edward Island and also Nova Scotia.
The kids and I are will each keep a blog and update pictures of our trip.
Well...the Bachelorette awaits.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Is it spring yet?

The girls and I sat in the rain tonight for Ryan's baseball game. We only made it to the 4th inning before we were soaked and went home. I know...fair weather fans!
Where is spring? We keep getting teased with 70+ weather for a couple of days and then it turns to winter again. I'm longing for the sun :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Soccer mom to the max!

If official...I've crossed over. I've been a taxi driver for a while for my kids and all of the activities that they are in...but now, I have a rig to match! We are trying to get rid of our Equinox because it barely fits the 3 kids we have, and we can never have any room to take anyone else (another story for another time of how stupid we were to trade our Tahoe in on that). Anyway...we found this Suburban at a lot locally and got an absolute steal on it. It's a 2003 and in really great shape. They couldn't confirm the miles on it (something Jake totally doesn't care about) so they couldn't sell in for anywhere near what it's worth. Their loss, our gain. I never really wanted to drive something as big as a Suburban, but we totally need the room.

Watch out...the bus driver is coming down the road!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's National Scrapbook Day!

Did you know that today is National Scrapbook Day. In honor of it, I spent some time this morning with Rebecca (she is an intern at our church who is living with us) and taught her some of the basics of Photoshop Elements. She was a whizz and completed her first 3 digital scrapbook papes in a couple of hours. FUN! I think I got her addicted (sorry about that Rebecca)!

I didn't get anything new done, but I will try to upload a couple of my latest layouts that I created last month while I was taking Jessica Spragues Digi in Deep class. Blogger is being flaky today and I couldn't upload anything earlier.

Happy Saturday!

I got the scrapbook pages to upload, but only the small versions. You can't see alot of the detail, but you get the idea